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Click on "Program" tab in ExorLive.
You can find existing programs you or your organisation have already created by pressing "Open."


You can search in programs for contacts, search in suggestions/templates or search in programs made by you. If you have selected one of the categories and still have trouble finding it, you can perform a free text search in the field under the category options. 

image-1__3_.pngYou can also search programs in the search box, in the "Programs" tab. Select the "Programs" tab below the search box and enter the keyword in the search box above.
When you’ve found the desired program, mouse over it and press the folder icon (image-2__2_.png) to open the program. If you only want to copy the exercises, press the plus icon (image-3__1_.png.


If you’re still unsure whether the program is the one you are looking for, press the information icon (image-5.png) to get more details about the program.

Tip! Create a program that you call "favorite exercises" to have easy access to them.

Using diagnostic codes

In ExorLive, it is also possible to use diagnostic codes when searching for finished program templates. You can use both ICPC-2 codes and ICD-10 codes. When using such searches, you will find both research-based protocols, programs created by our professionals at ExorLive and some programs by selected customers. Initially, we have suggestions for programs on the most used diagnostic codes, but we are constantly working to strengthen this database.

If you use ExorLive with integration to a medical record system and the patient has been assigned a diagnosis code, a search will automatically be made in ExorLive for this code, so that relevant programs are easily accessible. If necessary, read more about specific journal systems ExorLive is integrated with here.

Below you see an example of a search with the ICPC-2 code for "Low back symptoms/complaints"
