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There are several ways to create a new contact in ExorLive. All the options are equally good and it’s up to you to decided which one you want to use.

Option 1:

Click the "Contacts" tab, you should now get an overview of all your contacts. Click "New contact" in the top left corner.

Option 2:

In the "Homepage" tab in ExorLive, you will see a window called "CONTACTS AND ACTIVITY" in the bottom left corner. Click "NEW CONTACT" in the window.

Option 3:

Click the "Program" tab. Click on "Choose contact" button, right under the "Program" tab. Select "New Contact" from the drop-down menu.

Regardless of which option you chose, you should now see the contact info window. Fill in contact’s personal details and other information:


Under the "Notes" tab, you can enter current notes on the contact. If the notes box is grayed out, it's because your administrator has enabled a setting that requires your contact to give their consent before you can write notes about them.


Under the "Goals" tab, you can enter contacts current weight and the desired target weight.

Under the "Other" tab, you can choose contact's role, primary contact, add tags to find the contact quicker, and choose whether the contact should appear in your contacts list.

When you’ve finished filling in and adjusting the contact details, click "SAVE". The contact should now appear among your contacts, if you have chosen that option.


Register contact with with National identity number

As an OrgAdmin, I want to ensure that when an instructor creates a new contact that important info is registered such as full name, social security number and age so that contacts with two identical names are not confused and that training programs are placed on the correct contact.

This is done as follows:

  1. The contact window expands with the field for the National Identity Number. National Identity Number are allowed in different formats with and without hyphens and periods.      nilsENG.png
  2. Info for date of birth and gender is filled in automatically after the pressure save.

  3. There will be a duplicate check if the social security number is already in the org. If there is, it will get a notification that the National Identity number already exists, and that you can either cancel and change the birth number or go to the relevant contact.
  4. Search by National identity number in the "contacts" and "admin" tab.engelsknils.pngengelsknils2.png