Other features in ExorLive Go

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My plan: View and edit your training plan in ExorLive Go

If your instructor/therapist has filled out your exercise plan, you will be able to view what to do each day directly in your ExorLive Go app.

Tap "Me" tab and select "My Plan". You should then see a list of all scheduled workouts.


My Workouts in ExorLive Go

If your instructor has created training programs for you, you can find them in your ExorLive Go app. Select the "Me" tab and tap "My Programs". You should then see the programs assigned to you. Tap the programs to see program details or to perform them. You can add programs to favorites by tapping the dotted column (image-1__14_.png) at the far right, and selecting "Add to Favorites". By going to "MY FAVORITES" in the upper right corner, you should see all the programs you have added to your favorites.

Send message to your contacts

If your instructor/therapist has allowed the function, you can send a message directly from ExorLive Go to your instructor/therapist.

Tap "Contact" and select the person you wish to contact. Tap "Messages". You will now get a box at the bottom of the screen where you can write your message. When you have finished writing your message, tap "SEND".

You can view the message history and respond to the messages by tapping "My messages" in the "Me" tab.

When you have sent a message, a notification will appear in the app for the athlete.



My progress in ExorLive Go

Under “My progress” you can find your training history.

General session in ExorLive Go

If you wish to perform a different activity than the training programs assigned to you, you can choose to perform a "General session". In the "Home" tab, tap the plus icon (image-2__12_.png) and select "General session". Select which activity you have performed/wish to perform by clicking the button under "What did you do?". Select intensity, date, time and add comments. Press "FINISH ALL” and "OK".


Search for exercises, programs and plans in ExorLive Go

You can search for exercises, programs and plans in ExorLive Go under "Explore" if your instructor has opened for this function. Below is an example of a button where you can search for exercises.

mceclip0.png ->  mceclip1.png

With this search function you can create your own program. Tap the three dots to the right and select "add to activity".


Add exercises, programs and plans to favorites in ExorLive Go

You can mark ExorLive Go exercises, programs and plans as favorites by clicking "mceclip4.png".

You can find your favorite exercises when adding or replacing an exercise by clicking "View Favorites".

Your favorite plans and programs can be found in "my plan" and in "my programs" on "me". Use "Filter" and select "My Favorites".


ExorLive Go. Move an exercise up or down

This requires that you have the ExorLive Go Toolbox. Remember to have activated the edit exercise setting under the toolbox settings. (Enable editing of exercises in an activity)

In ExorLive Go:

Press "3 dot menu" during an exercise in a program (session), and get the choice: Move exercise up or move exercise down.

If you select the exercise up, is moved one row up and the window closes. When you press the selection down, the exercise moves one row down and the window closes.
