If you have made one or more exercises, they will be in ExorLive's Exercise Library.
Find an exercise
In the "Program" tab, select "Exercises" under the search window. Here you will see the different categories the exercises are divided into.
If you want the exercises made by you, click "Mine". You will then get a list of the exercises that you have created yourself.
If you want to see the exercises made by others in your organization, click "My department" or "My organization". If you want to see all the exercises available to you in ExorLive's Exercise Library, you can click "All".
Edit your own exercise
If you wish to edit your own exercise, you can first navigate to the desired exercise in the Exercise Library and press "i".
Click the "three-point" icon in the top right corner and select "Edit Exercise".
You will now see a window where you can change the exercise details.
Delete your own exercise
When the editing window is open, tap on the menu in the right corner and on "Delete exercise".The exercise will then be deleted from the exercise library.
Note! The "Delete" feature will only delete the exercise from the exercise library. If the exercise has been used in training programs, it will remain in these.
Delete picture fram exercise
1.Select exercise by pressing i.
2. Tap the menu and select make your own copy of this exercise.
3-4. Now you can delete the edit exercise and delete the image by tapping the cross. You will get a box with questions do you really want to delete this image? Answer yes.