E-learning for experienced

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You'll get more advanced tips on how to find exercises in ExorLive, how to update a training program and how to view your contacts activity and statistics.

Select part below or simply scroll down

  1. See statistics
  2. Make changes to a contacts training program
  3. Search tips
  4. Use a training template and share with a contact
  5. Reach out to new contacts through social media


See statistics

We show you how to follow up your practitioners in their development. You also get an insight into how to view feedback from your practitioners, statistics and how you can communicate with each other.



Make changes to a contacts training program

If you want to make changes to an exercise program, we will show you how to make a training program more difficult/easier for your contact.


Search Tips

Did you know, for example that you can search for fall prevention to get suggestions on exercises? You will get several tips on how to use the search function.


Use a training template and share it with a contact

Save time by using your training template and then give out to your contact.


Reach out to new clients, demonstrate your expertise through social media

We show you how to share exercise videos via social media. Show what you have specialized in and reach out to new patients/clients.

Curious to learn more? Read more about all you can do in ExorLive here!