E-learning for beginners

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You will learn how to easily create a training program for your contact and how to share the program via print, mail or via our training app. You will find tips on how to find the right exercise and how to create training templates.

Select tutorial below or simply scroll down

  1. Create a training program for a contact
  2. Share program
  3. Create and find template
  4. Tips and tricks

1. Create a training program for a contact

You will be shown how to find exercises to create a training program in ExorLive.


2. Share program

Once you have completed the program, you can choose to print, email or give the program to your contact via our training app - ExorLive Go.

Click here to read more about the training app, ExorLive Go


3. Create and find templates

Save time by creating a template with your own description and edits. You can share templates with your colleagues and you can also find suggestions on complete ExorLive Exercise programs.


4. Tips and tricks

Create a library of your favorite exercises. You can also find related exercises or easier/more difficult variations via our help functions.